Our Mission

Greenaissance represents our determined effort to meaningfully reduce humanity’s ecological footprint by helping to eliminate single-use plastics from key supply chains.

Even recyclable and ‘industrially compostable’ plastics put undue and unrealistic onus on the consumer to ensure that disposables are properly cleaned, sorted, and processed. The ineffectiveness of this approach has led to the widespread proliferation of plastic waste, not only in landfills, but on our beaches, in our oceans, and even in our food.

It’s time to change the way we do things – not by continuing to advocate better recycling habits among consumers – but rather by ensuring that single-use products are truly disposable. With that, we have dedicated ourselves to providing products that are not only sustainably manufactured – but fully biodegradable. This commitment is uncompromising, and it is the foundation upon which this company was founded.

At Greenaissance, we also understand that sustainable alternatives must function at least as well as their plastic counterparts in order to supplant them effectively. With this in mind, we seek to provide products that meet our ecological standards without sacrificing quality or durability.

Together, we can adopt a more sustainable way of living – one that supports our current lifestyle standards without damaging the world that we live in – and bring about a new, green renaissance.